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Two days of inspiring speakers and a full day with Quinton Quartel (FaST), unordered snapshots. #agileaus #agileaus24 #agile #leadership #productmanagement #agilecommunity

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Automating Jira sprints

This post describes the advantages of automating Jira sprint creation for Agile leaders, emphasizing enhanced efficiency, consistency, and improved long-term planning. It features a script authored by Andrew and hosted on GitHub, enabling the creation of single or multiple sprints across multiple Jira projects. The script ensures standardized sprint naming, start/end dates, and times, and facilitates the retrieval of SprintIDs for seamless integration with JQL and Confluence.

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Definition of Ready (DoR)

The prerequisites for an agile issue to enter an iteration or sprint, ensuring readiness for work commencement. Detailing ten key characteristics with recommendations, noting possible variations for epics, tasks, and sub-tasks.

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Four days…

How agile and agile leadership concepts can be applied to elite motor sport. #agile #agileleadership #leadership #systemsthinking

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Re-employing agile – embracing agility outside traditional software development

On Friday, 8 October 2021 I gave an online talk for the Access Agile Freestival on my experiences with “re-employing” agile – how agile can be embraced by non-software development teams. This page contains a video recording of the talk plus other resources including an audio-only version of the talk together with the slides I presented and a transcript of my speaker notes.

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Free lockdown tech reading – building secure and reliable systems

Have you found yourself retagging your music collection (like, really who has an offline collection these days?) and how many films and streaming series can you watch before sticking a fork in your eye might be a worthy distraction? The complete 557 page book from O’Reilly “Building Secure and Reliable Systems” free and with the compliments of Google Cloud 🙂

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Inconsistent change

Change. Why consistency is everything and how new players like Facebook still have to deal with the legacy of change and inconsistent code causing an inconsistent user experience.

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Cookie Party

Cookie Monster is one of my favourite Sesame Street characters, especially the unrivalled hunger for his namesake. I was reminded of this by a two day old Washington Post article titled “Goodbye, Chrome: Google’s web browser has become spy software“. This article goes into some depth about how we are individually being tracked online, the impact of this and how often there is scant knowledge of why this is happening and what the outcome is for us and the purveyors of Internet sites and services…[read on for solutions to this]

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Home Affairs reveals Australian authorities already using new encryption powers

This is how it starts, how under the guise of “security” our freedom and privacy is stripped away. A thoroughly bad law has been implemented and supported by both sides of Australian politics. What’s worse than the impact on our individual privacy is what it means for the state of cryptography across the entire Internet: purposefully allowing back doors to be built into core components of the technology foundation is ripe for abuse by both state and non state actors.

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Where did it all go?

Yep, we’ve all been there managing an ever decreasing amount of storage on our favorite weapon of choice. A short post to plug Windows and Android tools to assist.

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