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Category: Programming

Automating Jira sprints

This post describes the advantages of automating Jira sprint creation for Agile leaders, emphasizing enhanced efficiency, consistency, and improved long-term planning. It features a script authored by Andrew and hosted on GitHub, enabling the creation of single or multiple sprints across multiple Jira projects. The script ensures standardized sprint naming, start/end dates, and times, and facilitates the retrieval of SprintIDs for seamless integration with JQL and Confluence.

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Agile software development

This post is the text of an article I wrote and internally published on Friday, 27th April 2018 while working at NBN Australia to provide an Iteration Manager aka Scrum Master retrospective the day before our next Program Increment planning session. It’s from a point in time where the Iteration Manager (me!) was looking at what’s changed and what challenges are still to come for the development team.

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Code Monkey

On the back of NetworkWorld’s recent announcement, and other harbingers of doom, that Android’s KitKat (4.x) LolliPop (5.x) & Marshmallow (6.x) releases have known security issues, I decided to seriously revisit taking up being a code monkey again. This time though it’s (more?) serious with 100+ issues including several chipset code vulnerabilities being reported by our good friends at Google. Easy, I’ll have this fixed in a jiffy: whip out VirtualBox currently enjoying a cushy life as a Xamarin Android Player for a virtualised Nexus 7 LolliPop plaything (what, you don’t have virtual playthings?) and that old copy of Ubuntu LTS 14.04 which has been taking up precious NAS space and use up some of that extraneous SSD space on my i7 laptop…

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